Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 26 - Plan Your Celebration!

Counting today, we're only THREE days from the finish line!  Discipline, determination, and commitment can only keep you motivated for so long.  
So today take a few minutes to plan your end-of-marathon extravaganza.   How will you celebrate?  How will you indulge yourself?  
  • Gorge on chocolate?  
  • Sip champagne? 
  • Enjoy a writing-free “vacation?” 
  • Snub your computer for a day?
  • Buy a new CD?  
  • Nap?  
  • Read a grown-up book?
Now take that celebratory energy and write a wildly outlandish story.  Or wildly, outlandishly rewrite one of your previous stories.


  1. I've learned a lot during this marathon, especially not to procrastinate. So can't take too much of a break, 'cause the procrastination disease might come back!!! LOL

  2. Woohoo! I finished yesterday! 26 PB's in 26 days. And the things I learned along the way! After my last story, I took my dogs out for some fresh air and a long walk and then I came home and popped the cork on a bottle of Prosecco (I didn't have any champagne). Today I'll celebrate again with a lovely dinner. Thank you again, Lora and Jean, for making this possible.

  3. I have done the full set as well and hoping to finish the 28th tomorrow morning.

    Celebrate - never thought of it. But I did take stock and I think I can revise and revise and revise before I send out at least 50% of the stuff I wrote this month.

    This has been a productive thing to do. Thank you for hosting it.

  4. I did it! I kept a consistent slow run throughout the race. Then at mile 23, I hit a wall and crawled to the finishing line. Nevertheless, I finished! Thanks for putting on another great PB marathon!

  5. DONE! donedonedonedonedonedone - 26 books. I totally never could have imagined it. Thank you thank you for the challenge and support and encouragement! It's 10am here - too early for champaign but I feel like celebrating! Yippee!
